Ugrás a tartalomhoz

A keresés eredménye

  • scholar's, eye, tongue, sword; The expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion and the mould of form, The observed of all observers, quite,…
    20 KB (16 szó) - 2008. augusztus 22., 11:37
  • Demetrius Do, as a monster, fly my presence thus. What wicked and dissembling glass of mine Made me compare with Hermia's sphery eyne?— But who is here?—Lysander…
    14 KB (20 szó) - 2009. szeptember 2., 12:24
  • and sit you down; you shall not budge; You go not till I set you up a glass Where you may see the inmost part of you. KIRÁLYNÉ Mit akarsz velem? csak…
    23 KB (16 szó) - 2008. augusztus 22., 11:38
  • To-morrow night, when Phoebe doth behold Her silver visage in the watery glass, Decking with liquid pearl the bladed grass,— A time that lovers' flights…
    22 KB (17 szó) - 2009. szeptember 2., 12:22
  • since you know you cannot see yourself So well as by reflection, I, your glass, Will modestly discover to yourself That of yourself which you yet know…
    29 KB (24 szó) - 2021. július 21., 19:42